Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Don't look back

Was it Bob Dylan that sang, "Don't look back...."? I remember when I first arrived at St. John's and found the record books missing a few years of entries. When I mentioned it to my Bishop he said, "Don't look back. Just go forward." So I did.

The same is going to be true with this blog. Sorry, folks. I know I haven't posted a word since Holy Week last year. So rather than torturing myself, trying to find a block of time to go back and post all the missing sermons, I have decided to just go forward.

Blogging seems to be a lot like exercising or praying. I am good to go if I do it regularly--as in every day--but if a day or two or three days slip by, I seem to let it slip and slide even longer.

So onward.....

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