Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bottle Trees

My husband Tom and I both love bottle trees. We have been collecting blue bottles to create our own for a long time. We probably have enough bottles now but need to either find the right tree or create a welded "tree". It's probably going to be the latter as we have selected a spot outside our kitchen window where it would be perfect but alas! No real tree there.

Tom was recently at a conference and another attendee argued that the bottles don't have to be blue. That's true--BUT it is more traditional that all the bottles are blue.

Here's a great link to a website that tells the history of the bottle tree and also affirms blue as the color that spirits prefer.There's also a great excerpt from a Eudora Welty story that mentions bottle trees Check this out

And here is another bottle tree--this one has bottles of many colors--at Camp McDowell in Alabama.

1 comment:

Tom E said...

I love the photo of the bottle tree in the snow! Thanks for sharing.